Home » CDL Schools Near Me » Arizona CDL Schools
Learn about Arizona truck driver training and explore the best CDL schools in AZ! Use the application to connect with a CDL school in Arizona and start training for your truck driving job.
2350 S. 48th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85043
Roadmaster is a top trucking school in the State of Arizona with a campus located in Phoenix. Some benefits of taking classes at Roadmaster include:
Tuition Reimbursement – In one month, you can start a career as a professional truck driver by training at Roadmaster Drivers School. The trucking carriers that recruit from Roadmaster may offer up to 100% Tuition Reimbursement.
Financing – Roadmaster offers in-house financing to students who qualify. This helps cover the cost of tuition. Roadmaster’s team works with students with all types of credit histories to try to help them pay for school.
Roadmaster Driver’s School is a partner school, connect with them by using the application.
Sage Truck Driving School is a top trucking school with 2 campus locations in the State of Florida. These campuses are located in Fort Pierce and Plant City. Their CDL training program includes 150 hours of instruction (44 one-student-per-truck driving hours) and it takes 4-5 weeks to complete.
SAGE is a partner school, connect with them by using the application.
In Arizona, truck driver training programs typically range from 3 to 8 weeks. The exact duration depends on the type of CDL you are pursuing (Class A, B, or C) and the specific training program you choose. Full-time programs usually take about 4-6 weeks to complete, night and weekend classes will normally take a little longer.
CDL training in Arizona can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000, depending on the school, the type of CDL, and the length of the program. Some schools offer financial aid or payment plans, and there are also opportunities for employer-sponsored training that can offset these costs. Read about financial aid for truck driving school for more.
The cost to obtain a CDL in Arizona includes several fees:
So, the total cost to get an Arizona CDL can range from $100 to $200, not including the cost of training.
To get a CDL in Arizona, you must:
Visit the official AZ CDL page here.
Find an Arizona Trucking Job After School!
Search truck driver jobs in Arizona for jobs like entry level, local delivery, regional delivery, and long haul OTR driver.
Skilled Trade Training Options in Arizona
You can search for trade school programs like diesel mechanic, aircraft mechanic, and HVAC technician, they’re available at some Arizona schools.
Go to: Arizona Trade Schools