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Here is a table of CDL training schools and community colleges in Arkansas that offer CDL programs. It includes the school name, main campus address, program length, and average cost.
CDL School Name | Main Campus Address | Length of Program | Average Cost |
Arkansas State University – Newport | 7648 Victory Blvd, Newport, AR 72112 | 6-8 weeks | $4,500 |
Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas | 1557 Hwy 371 W, Nashville, AR 71852 | 6-8 weeks | $4,500 |
East Arkansas Community College | 1700 Newcastle Rd, Forrest City, AR 72336 | 8 weeks | $2,803 |
Mid-America Truck Driving School | 375 Alcoa Rd, Malvern, AR 72104 | 3-4 weeks | $4,995 |
North Arkansas College | 1515 Pioneer Dr, Harrison, AR 72601 | 8 weeks | $3,700 |
Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas | 1000 Campus Dr, Helena-West Helena, AR 72342 | 17 hours (approx. 3 weeks) | $2,500 |
University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville | 2005 White Dr, Batesville, AR 72501 | 5 weeks | $3,500 |
Roadmaster Drivers School | 2800 E North Service Rd, West Memphis, AR 72301 | 4 weeks | $6,995 |
Diesel Driving Academy | 11001 I-30, Little Rock, AR 72209 | 4-8 weeks | $6,000 |
How Long Does Arkansas Truck Driver Training Take?
In Arkansas, truck driver training programs typically take about 4 to 8 weeks to complete. The duration can vary depending on whether you attend full-time or part-time, as well as the specific program you choose. If you take night and weekend classes it may take a little longer to finish school.
How Much is CDL Training in Arkansas?
The cost of CDL training in Arkansas generally ranges from $3,000 to $7,000. The price can vary depending on the school and the type of program (Class A, B, or C) you choose. This excludes GI Bill eligibility or other financial aid you may apply for. Read about financial aid for truck driving school.
How Much is a Arkansas CDL License?
The cost to obtain a CDL in Arkansas includes various fees:
Visit the Arkansas license, ID, and Permits page for the most updated information.
What are the Requirements for Getting Your CDL in Arkansas?
To obtain a CDL in Arkansas, you must meet the following requirements:
Search driver job listings in Arkansas for positions like Class A and Class B, local, regional, and OTR driver.
You can search for trade school programs like diesel mechanic, aircraft mechanic, and HVAC technician, they’re available at some Arkansas schools.
Go to: Arkansas Trade Schools