Home » Guide to CDL Training
Choosing the right CDL training program is one of the biggest decisions you will make in your truck driving career. Your CDL training program will not only prepare you to sit for the CDL exam but will allow you to develop the necessary skills to land the perfect entry level truck driving job.
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It’s important to learn about the truck driver training you’ll get at a local CDL school. Do you need a school with flexible hours? Do you want a school that offers more one-on-one time with the instructor? Rather than signing up for the first commercial trucking training school you can find, evaluate the reputation of the school and make sure you choose the training program that fits your needs and goals.
While it’s true that a quality CDL school will get you through training by using their proven curriculum, there are still a few things you can do to help the process go more smoothly for both the trainers and yourself.
The majority of drivers with a Class A Commercial Driver’s License have received professional training from a CDL school. Because of loose regulations, choosing the right CDL training school isn’t always easy to do. Learn more about finding the best CDL training program available.
We’re sure you have questions about the different truck driver training programs available to you. To help, we’ve put together a list of the most common questions, including questions on the cost, length and difficulty of CDL training.
While truck driver training programs are not required to be certified or follow a specific curriculum, the CVTA has provided a suggested outline of subjects to be taught to all entry-level trainees. In addition to the CVTA suggested instruction, truck driver training also includes classroom and lab lessons, as well as instruction on the range and street.
There are quite a few options available to help students with the cost of trucking school. While financial aid options vary by state and school, some of these options include paid CDL training, the Unemployment/Workforce Investment Act, student loans, and tuition reimbursement.